Designing with


How we design

We interview your stakeholders, study your product and competitors, and learn everything we can about your business and its unique challenges. We'll conduct a collaborative workshop with your team (remote or in-person) to build a shared vision for the project and set goals for success.
At this stage, we often create workflows, user journeys, and initial concepts for key screens to make sure our vision for the design is on track.
A image of 4 quadrant diagram from a remote strategy session lead by Purpose UX and a client
We start with low-fidelity concepts to fully explore the potential solutions. Then we work in iterative sprints, incorporating feedback from your team at each step. We improve the design, test with customers to validate design decisions, and ultimately get to a final level of polish.
To make sure interactions are clear, our designs are delivered as interactive prototypes.
An early concept wireframe that Purpose UX created during the early stages of a project with an audiobook company.
Once the project goals have been met, we do a final pass for consistency and polish, then prepare assets and designs for implementation. We can create a custom design library for your developers to implement, or deliver an interactive style guide. We pair with trusted development partners if you require support for front-end implementation.
An example of a style guide that Purpose UX delivered as part of an engagement with a client.

Workshops we offer

Getting everyone on the same page can be hard, especially when competing interests are involved. Our workshops are designed to get your team talking, set clear goals, and make a plan of action. Collaborative workshops are a key part of all our engagement packages and are also available as stand-alone services.
Research planning workshops
Integrating research can be daunting, but it’s essential for modern business. We’ll help your team uncover assumptions, prioritize research areas based on risk and impact, and create a plan that will deliver results. Our framework creates measurable, objective outcomes to make sure the end product of any study is validated and actionable.
Discovery workshops
Starting with your business context and success criteria, we’ll work with your team to build a shared understanding of your product. We’ll uncover customer needs, define key features, and create an end-to-end map of the customer experience.

How you can partner with us

Project Basis
If your project has well-defined goals or you are on a fixed budget, we can reliably work on a timeline to get you what you need. Typically we start with a discovery / definition workshop to nail down requirements and conclude by delivering your most immediate priority.

At a Glance
An icon of a dollar sign
Fixed cost
an icon of a calendar
2-8 weeks
an icon of a targe
Key screens & workflows, basic prototypes for user testing or investor engagement, audits, strategy or research plan for larger projects.
Per-Sprint Basis
When you have a larger body of work or a higher degree of uncertainty, a per-sprint basis gives you the flexibility to adjust your priorities as the design evolves. We can work in an agile environment, helping define the work, create the initial designs, then doing lightweight test and iteration cycles until we reach your goals.
At a Glance
An icon of a dollar sign
Hourly or per-sprint rate
an icon of a calendar
8 weeks +
an icon of a targe
Redesigns of mature products, new product definition and design, ongoing research projects
On-Call UX Team
For when you need experts in many disciplines but don't want to hire multiple full-times roles. We can help you to roll out new features, tweak existing designs, or conduct accessibility audits, user testing, or other research efforts. Scale up or down your engagement as needed - we're flexible!

At a Glance
An icon of a dollar sign
Hourly rate or monthly retainer
an icon of a calendar
4 months +
an icon of a targe
Complete designs, prototypes, design library, user research, strategy, workshops, etc.

Let's make it happen!